CELL 3D導航手術獲得樣本 全視角觀察膠質母細胞瘤的演變和異質性

2024年2月5日 30点热度 0人点赞

神外前沿訊,近日,CELL雜志發表題為《Glioblastoma evolution and heterogeneity from a 3D whole-tumor perspective》的研究文章。





Title: Glioblastoma evolution and heterogeneity from a 3D whole-tumor perspective

Issue&Volume: 2024/01/18

Abstract: Treatment failure for the lethal brain tumor glioblastoma (GBM) is attributed to intratumoralheterogeneity and tumor evolution. We utilized 3D neuronavigation during surgicalresection to acquire samples representing the whole tumor mapped by 3D spatial coordinates.Integrative tissue and single-cell analysis revealed sources of genomic, epigenomic,and microenvironmental intratumoral heterogeneity and their spatial patterning. Bydistinguishing tumor-wide molecular features from those with regional specificity,we inferred GBM evolutionary trajectories from neurodevelopmental lineage originsand initiating events such as chromothripsis to emergence of genetic subclones andspatially restricted activation of differential tumor and microenvironmental programsin the core, periphery, and contrast-enhancing regions. Our work depicts GBM evolutionand heterogeneity from a 3D whole-tumor perspective, highlights potential therapeutictargets that might circumvent heterogeneity-related failures, and establishes an interactiveplatform enabling 360° visualization and analysis of 3D spatial patterns for user-selectedgenes, programs, and other features across whole GBM tumors.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.12.013

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(23)01345-4