
2024年2月5日 19点热度 0人点赞



玄關處,溫暖的淺木色率先將來者包裹,彰顯了傢極致的柔和之美,天然材質的大理石和溫暖的淺木色交相搭配著,點綴了玄關處的浪漫,為業主的回歸鋪墊了一層熱情的基調。At the entrance, the warm light wood color is the first to be wrapped by the future, which shows the ultimate soft beauty of the home. The natural marble and the warm light wood color match each other, embellishing the romance of the entrance and paving the way for the return of the owners.

整潔有序的玄關處是空間簡潔的開端,隱約之中奠定了傢極簡的基調。智能的明鏡設計十分貼心,彰顯了傢的人性化,黑色的大理石地面為空間帶來了沉穩的氣息,提升了傢的格調。The neat and orderly entrance is the beginning of a simple space, which vaguely lays the foundation for a minimalist home. The intelligent mirror design is very intimate, which shows the humanization of the home. The black marble floor brings a calm atmosphere to the space and enhances the style of the home.

步入客廳,多元的美學迎面而來,“天圓地方”的圓形吊頂在訴說著中式美學的宏大和優雅,金屬材質的略微點綴看似漫不經心,實則充滿了高級的質感,一同演繹了空間的華麗。Stepping into the living room, diverse aesthetics are on the way. The circular ceiling of "a round place" is telling the grandeur and elegance of Chinese aesthetics. The slight embellishment of metal materials seems to be casual, but in fact it is full of advanced texture, which shows the gorgeous space together.

構思巧妙的客廳總是能給人帶來無限的驚喜,皮質的座椅輾轉講述著光陰的故事,帶來了更加深沉的美學,電視墻和書架融為一體,讓生活更有了詩意和浪漫,沒有浮華誇張的裝飾,隻有純粹簡約的點綴,生活就是如此自然。Ingenious living rooms can always bring people infinite surprises. The leather seats tell the story of time and bring deeper aesthetics. TV walls and bookshelves are integrated to make life more poetic and romantic. There is no flashy and exaggerated decoration, only pure and simple embellishment, and life is so natural.黑白搭配的墻面象征著經典的永恒,完美的詮釋了色彩的魅力和價值。The black-and-white wall symbolizes the timelessness of classics, which perfectly explains the charm and value of colors.

走廊是藝術品的“展覽館”,木質的墻面為藝術品提供了完美的舞臺,因此每一幅畫作都得以展現最美好的一面,為傢融入了更多的藝術氣息。The corridor is the "exhibition hall" of artworks, and the wooden wall provides a perfect stage for artworks, so each painting can show the best side and add more artistic atmosphere to the home.

起居室中,白色和紅色一同織構了此處世界的浪漫,宛如夢境一般優雅的空間帶著復古的氣息,漸漸地侵襲了此處,留下了無盡的浪漫和詩意,古老的鋼琴彈奏著悠揚的樂曲,柔化了一切。In the living room, white and red together constitute the romance of the world here. The elegant space like a dream with retro flavor gradually invaded here, leaving endless romance and poetry. The ancient piano played melodious music and softened everything.

敞闊的落地窗為室內帶來了優質的光線,悄然之間就點亮了空間的浪漫美學,三朋四友,圍繞著圓桌坐下,交談之餘,美好油然而生 。The wide floor-to-ceiling windows bring high-quality light to the room, and quietly light up the romantic aesthetics of the space. Three friends and four friends sit around the round table and talk, and beauty arises spontaneously.

百葉窗和理石材質的碰撞,是空間驚喜感的展現,這樣獨特的美學總是能為生活增添不少的樂趣和優雅,細細品味,其中的美內斂且含蓄,不易讓人察覺。The collision between shutters and marble materials is a manifestation of the sense of space surprise. This unique aesthetics can always add a lot of fun and elegance to life, and you can savor it carefully. The beauty in it is introverted and subtle, which is not easy to be noticed.

書房內,耀眼的紅色寶石總是能最先博得眼球,彰顯此處的奢華。清晰的自然紋理打造了此處書架的純粹質感,為生活增添了幾分自然的美學。light.In the study, the dazzling red gems always win the eye first, showing the luxury here. The clear natural texture creates the pure texture of the bookshelf here, adding a bit of natural aesthetics to life.

臥室內,白色的溫柔席卷了空間,帶來了無盡的溫柔,細膩的細節設計是生活高品質的代表,在無形中便塑造了此處的輕奢。In the bedroom, the white tenderness swept through the space, bringing endless tenderness. The delicate detail design is the representative of the high quality of life, which invisibly shaped the luxury here.

浴室內,明亮的光線襯托了此處的潔凈質感,設計師僅用一扇窗戶便將北京都市的繁華框入室內,為洗浴室提供了一幅天然的背景圖畫。In the bathroom, the bright light sets off the clean texture here, and the designer frames the bustling city of Beijing indoors with only one window, providing a natural background picture for the bathroom.

這座豪宅並未一味地追求奢華,而是在簡約的旋律中,找尋到了空間自然的輕奢質感,從而為業主提供了一個高品質的居住場所 。This mansion did not blindly pursue luxury, but found the natural luxury texture in the simple melody, thus providing a high-quality living place for the owners.

內容策劃 / Presented